

Schedule: 10th June at 5pm
Idea and Manipulation: Toni RumbauPuppet construction and Direction: La Fanfarra / Mariona Masgrau
Technique: Glove puppetsFor audiences over: 8 YOTime: 50 min.Language: Spanish
A DOS MANOS (TWO HANDS) is glove puppet show created and performed by Toni Rumbau. Using the language of popular puppet theatre, particularly that of the traditional Mediterranean Pulcinella which originated in Naples. A Dos Manos offers a modern expression of the puppeteer's art employing paradox, contradiction, surprise, eruptions of surrealism, and subject matter that deals with eternal oppositions such as life/death, joy/sadness, man/woman.
The show contains very little text, and this is spoken with the “swazzle”. The music is performed live in true “one-man-show” fashion, while the use of the “swazzle” proves particularly attractive, investing the show with extraordinary vitality and force.
A DOS MANOS is a production of Toni Rumbau Puppet Company (La Fanfarra)). It has toured worldwide and been aclaimed in international puppet festivals in China, Egypts, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, France, Holland, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzeland, Cyprus and Spain.
Ciclo: FIMFA LX 7 – International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms
