Family Activities


SEPTEMBER 28, 3 p.m.FROM CONVENT TO MUSEUMGuided VisitThis tour takes us to know the history of the Bernardas Convent since its founding and use by the nuns bernardas, passing through college and housing of people connected to the faina in the Tagus river and, currently, as Puppet Museum and sheltering puppets from all over the world.
AUDIENCE: AdultsPRICE: € 5Please book in advance
29 AND SEPTEMBER 3010.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.MADRAGOA OF OTHER TIMESPeddy Paper | Family ActivityThis “paper peddy” invite you to discover the neighborhood of Madragoa! Along the way you will walk up and down streets where you will find old buildings and sites that tell stories of other times.Warning: you will complete some tasks – answer questions, solve riddles and even get to use your artistic talents!Come and participate in this challenge!AUDIENCE: FamiliesPRICE: Free and autonomous participation  SEPTEMBER 3010H30-12H30CREATIVE MORNING SPECIAL DAYS OF HERITAGEWorkshop for familiesHave you ever heard of Don Roberto?Just like Punch, he is a folk hero of the puppet theater to entertain the audience with stories that critized the society of the time.If you were asked to adapt this character today, which image would you give him? What stories would you choose for him?PUBLIC: 1 adult + 1 child over 6 yearsPRICE: € 6Please book in advance
