Family Activities

Internacional Day for Monuments and Sites

April, 18th | EXIT THE OBVIOUSGuided visit
The Museum of Puppetry is like a journey through the world. Within a historical district of Lisbon we can know diverse cultures as Thailand or Mali. After a visit to the Museum we will do a brief tour of the Madragoa, revealing some of the characteristics of the neighborhood.
Schedule: 3pm / Price: free/ PUBLIC:  adult s / Please book in advance towards this email
April 20th and 21th | ON THE ROAD WITH THE MUSEUM ALWAYS IN SIGHTPeddy Paper
Did you know that the puppet museum is located in a convent? And this convent is located in a neighborhood called Madragoa?Through a fun peddy paper, uncover the answer to these and other questions and you will be better acquainted with this historical area of Lisbon.
Schedule: morning: 10am to 12pm/ afternoon : 2pm to 5pm / Price: free/ PUBLIC:  all
