Family Activities

International Museum Day 2013

May, 18th
Puzzles in the Museum What if at the entrance of the museum you would receive an envelope full of unsolved riddles?Throughout the museum, visitors are asked to solve a series of puzzles that will help them learn more about the puppets on display.
Time: 10am to 12pm/ 2pm to 5pmPublic: generalPrice: free entry
“Discovering puppets “- Guided tour
TIME 11amPUBLIC: General PRICE: free entryPlease book in advanceMaximum number of participants: 25

Nigth of Museums | May 18thMuseum open until 12pm Magic Night
from 8pm to 11pm During this night dedicated to museums, the cloister walls will come to life!With our hands and our body we will create magical shapes and invent stories for them! TIME: from 8pm to 11pmPUBLIC: public in General PRICE: Free admission
Coloured shadowsWorkshop, from 8pm to 11pm To complete this magical night, we challenge everyone to create a shadow puppet and give it colour. In the end, they can manipulate their puppet on a illuminated wall. TIME: from 8pm to 11pm PUBLIC: Public in General PRICE: Free admission

May, 19th
The puppets are out!
With a roll of paper in our hand a character we will command!All you need to bring is your great humour and lots of imagination.
TIME: 2:30pm and 4pmPUBLIC: General PRICE: free entry
Please book in advance: museudamarioneta@egeac.ptMaximum number of participants per group: 20
Ciclo: May, 18th
