Family Activities

MR. ROBERTO DISCOVERS THE RADIO A project for grandparents and grandchildren

When two museums join between communications and puppets, there is much to discover and share. “Roberto discovers Radio” invites you to know the secrets of representation in family. In three sessions, grandparents and grandchildren run the discovery of two seemingly different worlds, but they have much in common.  In the two Museums, we learn how to build a show where we tell the stories Robertos communications!
PUBLIC Grandparents and Grandchildren (between 6 and 12 years)PRICE € 15 (paid at the beginning of session 1)
DATES AND TIMESOctober 13 | Museum of Puppetry (grandchildren) 10.00 – 12.30 / Communications Museum (grandparents) 10h30 – 12h15November 10 | Communications Museum (grandchildren) 10h00 – 12h45 / Museum of Puppetry (grandparents) 10.30 – 12.30December 15 | Communications Museum (grandparents and grandchildren) 10:30, 12:30 – Shows end at the Communications Museum. Appointment: Museum of Puppetry, Phone: 21 394 28 10 photography © São Ribeiro partnership:
Ciclo: Two Museums, Two Generations
