Family Activities

Olhapins and Olharapos | Puppet Workshop Teatro e Marionetas de Mandrágora

The Olhapins are very small creatures with four eyes who look everywhere, very different from Olharapos , which are very large creatures but with only one eye , and not looking anywhere.Will they fly over the woods? Will they lurk in the dark?Inspired by the legends and tales of Portuguese folklore, the workshop aims to create fantastic puppets, wonderful and monstrous.In this  workshop participants learn the basics of creating a sponge puppet with the primary techniques of modeling like cutting , folding and gluing, in order to create a three-dimensional volume .Through the creation of several simple objects which are then assembled we will create our characters: Olhapins and OlharaposPublic: Families , an adult and a child over 4 yearsDate and Time : November 16th, from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Trainer : Clara Ribeiro, Teatro e Marionetas de MandrágoraPrice : € 7
Ciclo: November 2013
