
POUFFF Lichtbende | Netherlands

Contemporary light theatre using magic lanterns and wind instruments for all ages, from 4 to 104 years!The story begins with the sun rising and the birth of “Poufff”, a young bird that grows up as an orphan followed by a breathtaking, exciting, poetic and funny search for his kind. The performance “Poufff” of Lichtbende is a very special encounter with rarely seen projections combined with live sounds and music. The audience will immediately be fascinated by the projections and music and dragged into a fantastic and wordless world of surprising and enigmatic images.Tiny objects come to life as impressively large light images. With old magic lanterns this secret world is projected onto a billowing screen.The music breathes life into the characters and outlines their emotions. You will hear: clarinet, flute, tuba, trombone, organ and homemade instruments, played live.The performers are in full view so you can see how everything, including the music, is created, which is a large part of the whole experience, where dream worlds and reality mix.
Artistic direction, concept, images and performers: Marie Raemakers, Rob Logister
Composers and musical performers: Axel Schappert, Alex Simu Steen Direction: Jeannette van Steen
Advisors: Rop Severien, Gérard Schiphorst, Herman van Baar
Special music instruments: Max Vandervorst
Costumes: Karin Eilers
Video: Bas van Buuren
Photographs: Rob Logister, Petra van Velzen
Technique: Magic lantern
For audiences over: +4 Running time: 40 min.
Language: Without words
Ciclo: FIMFA Lx 13
