

Patrick Sims – Writer, director, music, concept, puppet construction, puppeteer  Mafalda da Câmara – Scenic design/construction, costumes, puppet construction, Photographs, puppeteer 
Schedule: 13th to 161h May 2008 – 10pmFor audiences over: 12 YOTime: 60 min.Technique: String puppets and objectsLanguage: French
The universe created by Buchinger’s Boot is like a chamber of wonders, where one extraordinary object or being replaces another, each time more singular than before. This transient world contains all significant things and rarities created by both nature and man, where nothing human is alien. Particularly present are marionettes and sets made from bones, woods, metals, plants, insects, bacteria, animals and their artificial copies (stuffed, preserved, anthropomorphisized, mechanized)… tools, foreign instruments, all that enlightens, pleases and horrifies the eye. Such a collection points to a terror of classification where possibilities and combinations spiral into chaos, and the idea of enclosing nature in a closet becomes a parable for fragile interpretations, being and its foetuses.
The Armature of the Absolute is a work created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the death of Alfred Jarry, poet, puppeteer and pataphysician. The premiere was in 1st November 2007 (centenary of poet’s death) at Barcelona.
Buchinger’s Boot unique blend of puppetry techniques along with their organic, circuit-bending soundtracks and beautifully disturbing images, have resonated in its audiences throughout Europe, often leaving them moved, shocked, bewildered and enthralled… don’t loose this special show.
Ciclo: FIMFA LX 8 – International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms
