

Technique: Live painting For audiences over: M/5 Time: 45 min. Language: Germany with simultaneous translation in Portuguese
Idea and performer: Joachim Torbahn Direction: Tristan Vogt Assistant: Ruta Platais
A whirlwind of images after Hans Christian Andersen. Painted theatre for art lovers over 5.
Painting is the art form which seems to be closest to children. They pick up crayons naturally and start using them, creating their own world, filled with a great variety of things. Who would not want to join them in this sphere of dreams?
The fairy tale painter sketches a large nursery, decorating it with wondrous toys and figures. But as happens in painting – the image starts to develop its own life. Here a tin soldier who is the worse for wear steps out of line and falls in love with the tissue paper ballerina. The red goblin interferes. The image comes apart at the seams. Will the painter be steadfast and, together with the tin soldier, find a new path back to beauty?
A joyful introduction to the creative techniques of modern painting which is not always neat and tidy.
With his painted theatre productions, Joachim Torbahn has succeeded in creating an internationally admired novel synthesis between visual art and the theatre. He was invited to perform his homage to Paul Klee “What does Red do on Thursdays?” for children at many festivals, and he also presented this show in FIMFA Lx9.
Ciclo: FIMFA Lx11 – International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms
