

Schedule: 26th to 28th May 2006 – from 10am to 6pm
For: Puppeteers, actors, dancers, singers, visual artists and teachersFor a maximum of: 15 participantsLanguage: English
The purpose of the workshop is to help and teach the possibilities of the puppet as a strong theatrical medium. The participants will learn to work with a puppet and to bring it to “life”. Scenes will then be developed with the puppet to create short dramatical studies and situations. The participants will not only interact with the puppet but also with the other participants in creating the scenes. Each participant should bring with him: a simple musical instrument (for example, a flute or a percussion instrument, a short monologue from a theatre play, a poem or a song). At the end of the workshop a presentation will be held for an invited audience to show the results.
BIONeville Tranter moved to the Netherlands, after Stuffed Puppet had taken part in the Festival of Fools in Amsterdam in 1978, where his visual and emotional adult puppet theatre developed to assume its present form. In his own brutal, ruthless but poetic way, he confronts the audience with their fears and dreams, urges and desires, personified by what are often life size talking puppets. Combining a minimal decor with sophisticated music, lighting and sound, using the oldest devices of the theatre as well as state of the art technology, solo on stage, with nothing but his puppets plus a number of assistants behind the scenes, Neville Tranter is capable of evoking images that the audience will not forget for a long time. His combination of down to earth humour, deadly seriousness and virtuoso puppetry has already made permanent converts of many who had presumed that for them, puppetry had nothing to offer. Within his group Stuffed Puppet Neville Tranter developed his typical style of visual theatre with human size puppets.
Ciclo: FIMFA Lx6 – International Festival of Puppetry and Animated Forms
